Healthtips and fitness

I give you some information about health in this blog. This is about the symptoms and how to survive it. To give life to life, I will give different songs about life-saving.                                 We are going to refer to tips and tricks that can improve your general health improvement and fitness level. Health tips, food plans provide information on how to eat properly. So they can improve themselves.



Sunday 21 July 2019

July 21, 2019

Goiter: Causes, treatment, and symptoms

Goiter: Causes, treatment, and symptoms

what is goiter ?

Goiter: Causes, treatment, and symptoms,Goiter - Symptoms and causes
Goiter: Causes, treatment, and symptoms

Also known as Goiter Lye Dandruff. Due to such symptoms, due to the weakness of our micro-physical needs, our body seems to be a cause. The deficiency of the element called Aydin seems to be nauseous. Thyroid gland can not produce harm if there is a decrease in thy body in our body. Then, this gland starts producing harmoniously. After that, the gland appears to be fried in the neck. Called Goiter.

 Goiter is also called thyroid, which is the outer stripe of our breathing tube. Gastrointestinal, known as Goiter, produces harmon called thyroid. Generally, it is known to be Goiter to inflammate the amounts of harmful harm in our body. This type of rag is more common in women than in men. While the Kishar depictions increase in excessive amounts of humor, these problems are more likely to occur in Kashish. But such reggae disappears after a certain amount of time.

 The reason why goiter rages

 The Goiter seems to be due to the lack of audiences. Of these, such rag is more common in mountainous regions. Because there is no access to any kind of facilities and traffic in such places, the power of adadine salt consumes open salt, which is why the person who consumes such salt will feel like goiter. Therefore 67% of people living in the hilly areas of Nepal have been suffering from such problems. The body of the body that causes the goiter to decrease in our body, the same aside in our body seems to goiter. Therefore, it should be consumed in the right amount. Consumption of smoking is more commonly used by humans. If we have large amounts of harm in our body called TSH, it seems like this. Thyroid tumors also show such problems.

Symptoms of Goiter

It would be difficult for Reggie to breathe

It will be more sleepy.

Heartbeat is faster than normal.

Children will not be able to speak

goiter reggae woman abortion

Reggie's power is reduced.

The neck will bend in front of the neck

treatment of goiter

The treatment for goiter is by looking at this rag. The kind of rag that is treated is the same.

The main cause of the goiter is the lack of audiences. So it has to be applied.

Iodine salt should be protected from the air. Do not leave salt open
A pregnant woman should be given a needle of the idiot.

This type of food should be eaten as you get more admission to sea food

No one has to get rid of any public. So it has to be surgery.

Saturday 20 July 2019

July 20, 2019

Gallstones: Treatments, symptoms, and causes

Gallstones: Treatments, symptoms, and causes 

what is gall stones

Gallstones: Treatments, symptoms, and causes ,Gallstones Treatment, Causes, Diet, Pain & Surgery
Gallstones: Treatments, symptoms, and causes

People get rid of a variety of reasons, which seems to be someone else from someone else and somehow. An unhealthy habit of man also seems to be due to practical and food. Among them, stones of ghettathali are also one. The gallbladder in our body facilitates the activation of bile in our digestive tract. Bile stones are the cholesterol in the biliary tract, the villiruvine calcium, which causes various types of malaria to accumulate. Women like this are more infected than men like this. This type of rag is more likely to increase if a person's obesity increases, and it is more likely that the rag will also increase according to the age of a person, or rag may be higher in young people at 3 years of age.

The gallstones cause stones

Due to excessive eating of food

Because obesity is high in individuals

Drinking less water

Gedugadi's jarry is less food

By human age

Because of the hereditary in anybody

Because of messy food

Diabetes mellitus

Symbols of gallbladder stones

Stomach ache after eating

Bringing the disease to the sick

The same type of sweat is available to the patient

The patient counted vapors

After eating screaming foods, stomach stomachs and grief can not be overcome.

The stomach's food slowly hurts on the run.

Stomach upset

The chest is painful.

Due to excessive gas in the stomach, the stomach stomach is a huge loss


Bile stones are not extracted from any type of drug by Reggie. We should be inspected for the treatment. She has no other choice and we need to pay attention to the food and lifestyle in order not to let it grow in the face of anger. In today's scientific age, it can easily be cured by the production of less painful and less time consuming machines.

These are the following for survival

We drink water daily

Do not be scared for a long time

Do not eat phosphor and junk food in the market

Excessive amounts of screaming foods, such as meat, fats, and eating less

Consumption of more vegetables

If women are more concerned with women than men, after 40 years of age, women will be shaped by the body.

Smoked and eat less food

Regular workout and employment

From time to time examining health

If you were interested, you would have to be treated as soon as possible

Thursday 18 July 2019

July 18, 2019

बाथ राेग के हाे ? यसकाे नियन्त्रण कसरी गर्ने ?What is Rheumatic Diseases? ? How to control it?

बाथ राेग के हाे ? यसकाे नियन्त्रण कसरी गर्ने ? 

(What is Rheumatic Diseases? ? How to control it?)

के हाे बाथ राेग ? What is Rheumatic Disease? 

याे एक प्रकारकाे मुटु सम्बन्धि लाग्ने राेग हाे । जुन एक प्रकारकाे जीवाणुकाे मानव शरीरमा संक्रमणबाट लाग्ने एक खतरनाक राेग हाे । तर याे राेग एक व्यक्तिबाट अर्काेमा सर्दैन । बाथ राेगलाइ समयमै उपचार गर्न सके याे राेगबाट निकाे हुन सकिन्छ । याे विशेष गरी बालबालिकाहरूलाइ बढीमा संक्रमण गर्ने गर्छ , जुन बच्चा ५ देखि १५ वर्ष  उमेरकाे बालबालिकालाइ लाग्छ । घाँटीमा सङ्क्रमण गर्ने जीवाणुले गर्दा हाम्राे घाँटी दुख्ने र टन्सिल हुने समस्या बाथ राेगमा हुन्छ । यस राेगले पनि हाम्राे शरीरकाे जाेर्नी,नशा तथा मुटुकाे भल्भ नष्ट गर्ने भएकाले याे राेग हाम्राे लागि प्रणघातक हुन्छ । बाल्यकालमा मुटुकाे बाथ ज्वराे लागेपछि गएर उक्त व्यक्तिकाे मुटुकाे भल्भ बिग्रेर पक्षघात हुने र त्यसकाे मृत्यु समेत हुन्छ । त्यसैले बाथ राेगलाइ मुटु सम्बन्धित राेग भनिन्छ । 

बाथ राेगकाे लक्षणहरू(Symptoms)

बाथ राेग एक सामान्य दुखाइकाे लक्षणबाट सुरू हुन्छ र पछि यसले राम्राे उपचार वा यसलाइ बेवास्ता गरेमा यसले ठूलाे रूप पनि लिन सक्छ । 

१ . घाँटी दुख्ने हुन्छ 

२ . बिरामीलाइ हनहनी रूपमा ज्वराे अाउने

३ . जार्नी दुख्ने 

४ . शरीर भरी डाबर हुने 

५ . खुट्टा सुन्निने 

६ . हातगाेडा बाङगिने,पेट दुख्ने र शरीरमा गाठाँगुठी हुने हुन्छ । 

७ . बिरामीकाे ढाड दुख्ने हुन्छ । 

८ . छालामुनि डाबर हुने 

९ . बाथ राेग एक मुटुकाे राेग हाे ः

  • अकास्मत रूपमा हात खुट्टा नचल्ने लक्षण देखिन्छ ।                                                                               
  • हाम्राे मुटुकाे भल्भ बिग्रिने र मुटुले काम गर्न नसक्ने लक्षण देखिन्छ ।                                                                    
  • पक्षघातकाे समस्या हुन्छ ।                                                                                                       
  • मुटु सुन्निएकाे जस्ताे लाग्ने र हल्लिएकाे महसुस हुने हुन्छ ।                                                                        

राेकथाम र बच्ने उपायहरू (Treatment)

हाम्राे शरीरमा हरेक राेगहरू लड्न सक्ने राेग प्रतिराेधक क्षमता हुन्छ । विभिन्न राेग सँग लड्ने खाना र शारीरिक व्यायम,याेगा जस्ता कुरा गरे हामीलाइ राेग लाग्ने सम्भावना कम हुन्छ । याहाँ बाथ राेगकाे  बच्ने उपायहरू निम्न छन्ः

  • बच्चाहरूलाइ चिसाेबाट बचाउनु पर्छ ।                                                                                                                           
  • हामीलाइ श्वासप्रश्वाससँग सम्बन्धित समस्या देखिएमा तत्काल अस्पताल गएर उपचार गर्नुपर्छ ।                                                                                                                         
  • घाँटीकाे संक्रमण भएमा छिटाे भन्दा छिटाे उपचार गर्नुपर्छ ।                                                    
  • दैनिक रूपमा सन्तुलित खानाकाे सेवन गर्नु पर्छ                                                                
  • सामज तथा व्यक्तिगत सरसफाइमा बढी ध्यान दिनु पर्छ ।                                                     
  • समय समयमा हाम्राे शरीरिक रूपमा परिक्षण गर्नु पर्छ ।                                                    
  • शरीरिक रूपमा व्यायम र याेगा दैनिक रूपमा गर्न राम्राे हुन्छ ।                                                 
  • यसकाे बारेमा सबै गाँउ समाजमा चेतना फैलाउनु पर्छ 


Wednesday 17 July 2019

July 17, 2019

Tips to avoid high blood pressure

Tips to avoid high blood pressure

what is blood pressure

Hypertension (HBP) hypertension is also called. High blood pressure is a dangerous risk of a kind of heart disease. This type of behavior is especially more aged 40 years old. In particular, a man who has a luxury life is more likely to be such a person. One of the main reasons for high blood pressure is the death of one. Because of which the death of people in the world has resulted in death.

Tips to avoid high blood pressure,How To Lower, Reduce & Control High Blood Pressure Levels
Add captionTips to avoid high blood pressure

A healthy person's blood pressure should be 120/80 mm / hg. If blood pressure in our body is more than 140/90 mm / hg, it is called hypertension. The treatment and control of the time can be controlled and reduced. People have started taking high blood pressure due to negligence of catering.

The main reason for high blood pressure

  • Due to older age                                                                                                                   
  • More quantity of junk food                                                                                                                
  • Make more salt on food                                                                                                                            
  • Obesity                                                                                                                                           
  • Most Wanted People                                                                                                                      
  • Luxury type of gymnastics                                                                                                             
  • By mentally mentoring


The patient will become very weak

The patient gets tired of doing some work.

Rigid disease and headaches are painful.

The patient gets angry with anything.

It is not like sleeping.

Slowly increase blood pressure

Blood flow from the patient's nose

Chest pain

Eye will be stolen

What hygiene infections in our body is high blood pressure

The names of the parts that affect high blood pressure in our body are presented below

The brain





Beware Tips

It is important to reduce body fatness.

Active and simple life should be celebrated.

Meditation and sacrifices should be sacrificed.

Dailyly practicing and planning should be done.

More and more should be fruitful and fertile.

It does not matter if we do not have much money.

We should be examined from time to time.

This consciousness should spread consciousness in the city or society.

This problem seems to be the treatment and discipline at this time

kidney will not work.


Heart attack

Vision vision

Do not eat due to high blood pressure

Stay away from smoking and meditation

Do not eat meat

Shouting loudly and not to give salt

Do not eat junk food

What food

  • Fresh Vegetables                                                                                                                   
  • The meat contained more                                                                                                      
  • apple 


Monday 15 July 2019

July 15, 2019

6 benefits of crying

6 benefits of crying

Children cry exactly as they are born. If we have any pains we will cry. The more important it is to laugh at our health is the crying. Yes, I give you the benefit of crying. Now you have to spend more than keep your mind hidden in your heart, which you can benefit from. Who makes your mind light and will make you feel comfortable. Which means he is healthier.

6 benefits of crying,Crying: The Health Benefits of Tears
6 benefits of crying

crying is a normal response. Crying in general, man is called a poor person in our society. Which does not matter. It's just an idea of ​​man. It is considered mentally and economically beneficial for us to get rid of the eye. 6 Benefits of Crying Health:

the eye keeps clean

The crying of three kinds goes crying, reflexes, constantly falling and falling emotionally. The reflex does fall down due to the type of smoke caused by a lip type. The one who gets out of the eye through the various types of smoke or stirred out of the body. Due to the fall of redemption, protects us from any type of infection in the eye. So crying for the eye is important.

6 benefits of crying,Crying: The Health Benefits of Tears
6 benefits of crying

Reduces the pain

Crying is an important factor in reducing the pain of our body. Crying in our body, the pain called asxitacin and insageniac, comes out of the harmonic medium. So we are crying and our heart is low and low in heart. So we can get trapped after we cry. We reduce emotionally and emotionally. We are calm and happy when we are crying in pain. Crying is essential for the same pain.

Reduces stress

 The main reason for crying is we are crying. Crying comes out of our body, such as adreno cartortotropic, which reduces stress.

Crying is not tired of our eyes and other chemicals will be activated because of the exhausted medium. The stress that automatically reduces.

6 benefits of crying,Crying: The Health Benefits of Tears
6 benefits of crying

It helps to increase sight

Crying glands protect bacteria from being infected with our eye. Therefore, the chemicals out of the eye exit as much as possible. Due to the drying of the membrane, our eye is less visible. If we keep crying, our part does not dry and the eyes of the eye will never be less.

Mood is good

Our body appears to have a problem of fatigue, anger, fear and fear when magnesium increases. Occasionally the brain temperature increases greatly. Which causes us to change our mood. If so, we can easily reach oxygen in crying brain nausea, crying in a loud voice and reduces the temperature. After that, the heart becomes calm and happy after crying.


Children who specially exit well sleep well. Children who are more interested in the afternoon will sleep well during the night. Because of which they are commercially and mentally healthier. That's why adults also feel like a lightweight and a feeling of moisture, and brings good sleep at night.

6 benefits of crying,Crying: The Health Benefits of Tears
6 benefits of crying

Sunday 14 July 2019

July 14, 2019

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

7 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

Eye is an important and sensitive part of our body. Because of which we have everything in the world and the good and bad world. Eye without sensation occurs. After ignoring the small problem in the eye, then it can take a big problem. Therefore, the eye should be treated daily. Eye whispering does not cause problems in other eyes.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

There are five eyebrows in our body, there is an eye between us. Which is the most important As our age is growing and other outside, Prabhab becomes visible to the eyes respectively. We must make eye-cleaning daily. To make our eyes related to age aggravate the following food items. The daily consuming problem can be removed from approximately 25% of your eyesight.

Oh, you have 9 foods. Which is easy to do and make it easy to use.


Fish Ammega is a good monkey of 3 fatty acids. The omega-3 describes the eyes of our eyes and the health of the skin behind the eye. The fish oil is very beneficial for our health. The amount of salmaan, tuna, macrochemical, trout, sodrines and herring, will be more available for mid-eye. Fish is dry when we run a computer and a mobile daily, for those problems, it is good for our health to eat.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes


Ambulance fruits are essential for our health. Vitamin C in the fruit in Amile

Be there The one who grows up with age is important to save from the problem. Its sand is like orange, leopards, eggs, seeds, and gearrors. We must eat daily. That is why every elderly man has given birth to the maximum amount of fruit.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes


Vitamin C and eggs are good in eggs. The egg contains an element called jacuzzyn and lutine. Who removes the weakness or problem in the eye. Egg is a versatile food that can be dried for morning or for food. Egglies can be eaten with salad or sand. Wholesalers can be consumed daily. The one whose eyes are eyes, and the body is also good.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

Milk and curd

Milk curd is very important for our eyes. It is also a good benefit for our body. As in the summer months, curd makes a seal. Milk tolerates the growth of the body. There is a vitamin A in milk and curd. We can be prepared by making different milk pots. For whom we can offer food with a glass and tea. Who benefits for your eye.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes


Vitamin is found in more quantities in nuts. In addition, omega-3 fatty acids are also found in large amounts, due to eye-related problems. Cashews, kimmes, peanut, pulses and gedgudi are food to increase sight.

Such foods can be eaten at any time in any place. These are mixed with salt and salad and swallow the dough. This is a high quantity of calories. So it's good to make it.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes


  The vitamin A and bitacinin is found in the car. Vitamin A makes proteins called Radadepsin. That helps to make the health of our eyes healthy. Vitamin A and beta-caron tolerates the surface of the eye and helps prevent infections of infection and other serious eyes.

For the village we can eat food. And the salads of the village can be eaten cleanly and well. If we offer daily, it is good for our body and eyes.

6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes,The 6 Best Foods for Your Eye Health - PureWow
6 Best Foods for Healthy Eyes

Saturday 13 July 2019

July 13, 2019

Night preventionblindness: Causes, Symptoms and

Night blindness: Causes, Symptoms and prevention 

what is  Night blindness:

One of those dreams, Ragi does not see the eyes during the night. This is the reason why the vitamin A defects due to deficiency. As a result of vitamin A deficiency, the patients will not be able to see diabetes and night vision. The one who is calledNight blindnessVitamin A gives you the ability to make the object called Radepassin essential for your eyes, such as roots found in the eye. If our body lacks a significant amount of vitamin A, the Rhodopsin substance can not be produced in our bodies, and as a result, people feel dirty.

Night preventionblindness: Causes, Symptoms and,Night Blindness (Nyctalopia) - Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment
Night preventionblindness: Causes, Symptoms and

The rigging process seems to be a bargainable act. But bacterial traits do not have to be taken. However, due to lack of vitamin A, it is thought that consuming vitamin A food is consumed daily. The patient who does not want to get rid of the night does not believe in the night.

The infected path is more infected with the age of 5 to 7 years, people who have passed 40 years old age, and those who have breastfeeding and milk, are more infected. The skin or skin caused by the skin, the skin, and the skin causes the disease to take place. Elegant vegetables, fruits, and fruit like yellow: mango, mango, and other low levels of food are more likely to be taken. It may be blind to your child after being treated at the time of treatment.

 The main cause for the darkening of the dark The main cause of the disease is because of lack of weight in our body. Also, there are various reasons like: The child carries for a regular syntax, due to the dudpling, the bush.It seems like a bogus. Which is not treated.


People vary according to symptoms. Some symptoms are presented below

  • In night and in the dark, children remain silent in one place                          
  • The patient's pain hurts more.

  • Belkays can not be read, write, or at work at night.                         
  • The patient can not determine the objects in the light of light                                    
  •  Children can not play in the evening                                                                    
  • At night, during the nighttime, fighting occurs in a place of       work and work.                                                                                     
  • It's hard to find any lame distance.


  • Children under 5 years of age should have capsules of vitamin A.                                                                                                                                   
  • Care should be made from time to time to care for the eyes.                                                  
  • The woman and the pregnant woman should eat plenty of           vitamin A food.                                                                                            
  •  As a child is born, mother should give milk to the baby.                       
  • Children should be protected from other types of rugs such as      bushes, cats and gourmet trousers.                                              
  •  The patient should have plenty of green vegetables and the health risk also reduces the risk of smoking.                                 
  • The patient should be prepared for the fruit and vegetables.                      
  • Children should have to eat fish, milk, eggs, grains, and plenty  of food.                                                                                                                
  • About this stage, we should preach about it in our society, city, village, tale.