Why Is Vitamin D So Important for Your Health?
What is Vitamin D?
Vitamin D is also one of the essential
vitamins for the body. Vitamin D is the most important sunlight in the morning.
Milk, fish, eggs and fats are also white in vitamin D. Vitamin D is in a
shouting machine. Vitamin D is colorless and odorless. It is also called
anti-rachitic since saving vitamin D from the retirement. Vitamin D in our body
helps in developing bones and teeth by supporting calcium and phosphorus
Vitamin D is found entirely as precursor. As
soon as the sun's ray is on the skin of the people, the chemicals are gradually
absorbed into vitamin D in our bodies.
When we lose weight of vitamin D in our body,
many fatigue, bone weakening, gastrointestinal pain, and in some cases, even in
dermatitis, the bone is easily detected. Especially the physical growth of the
child has a direct impact on the development.

Why is Vitamin D important to our health?
In this section, we need vitamin D for our
health, and what does it save from the wound.
1. Health bone
Vitamin D is important for our body and tooth
bone. By making all the calcium and calcium of Phosphorus in our body, all the
balance of the body makes all our bone strong.
Consumption of calcium from our foods helps
protect you from various problems related to bone. Protecting childhood from
dog rests and estemalasia, hearing bump and vomiting in adults due to the
vitamins of vitamin D.
2. The body's immersive capacity increase
If our legitimate capacity is reduced in our
body, we feel different. Therefore, vitamin D tolerates the body's immune
Vitamins D is also essential for nervous
system and brain development.
Vitamins D is essential for prevention from
dermatitis and dermatitis.
3. Flame from the wound to reduce
To protect the fluid from the globe, vitamin
D is given to children throughout the world.
From which children can be saved from
Influenza infection.
4. To avoid diabetes
If there is a lot of vitamin D in our body,
we do not have any diabetes problems.
It controls the amount of glucose and insulin
in blood. According to a study
In patients who have fully consumed vitamin
D, 88% of the diabetes are under the head.
5. Increase the risk of pregnancy
Vitamin D increases the risk of eating in the
pregnancy. Due to the birth of a child, it is a case of surgery.
Similarly, there is a problem like pregnancy
in diabetes and bacterial vaginalysis. That is why the child in the womb is
directly affected. And if such a child is born in a child, the child is likely
to have disability. Vitamin D also has a problem with low blood pressure on
6. Is taken from cancer
Vitamin D is extremely important for
our body for our body. In more than 200 people with vitamin D effects of human
To minimize cancer in our body, calcritiala
is used to produce harmony.
If we regularly exercise vitamin D, various
cats can be avoided by cordidar spiral rig, bone problem, hypertension,
alzheimer's, fluid.
Symptoms of Vitamin D in our body
Lack of fatigue in the body
Bone weakness and bone
Jernney pain
Spoil the pain
High blood pressure
Vitamin D also helps in the development of
People need vitamin D daily
Daily vitamin of vitamin D varies according to the normal condition of the individual. Below are the requirements of Vitamin: D for different ages.
5 micrograms (200I.U) for infants and
children under 5 years
2.5 mg (100 I.U.) for adult women and men
10 mg (400 I.U.) for pregnant women
and sleeping women
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