Acidity is just one of the same problems in the world. Which is known as gastric in the medical language. Usually there is acid production in our body to digest food. However, if there is excessive acid addiction, the stomach starts causing problems. Those who have ulcers, acne hearing, ulcers are more irritable, later in the morning, even blood will be shed blood.
The causes and symptoms of gastric
Gastric catering disorders and health problems occur due to health problems. Ghost is not dangerous as dangerous. Regardless of whether a person is physically administered, raised or shouted, he can not be gastric.
If you are going to get rid of a gastric, dangerous calamities may lead to ulcer, cancer. So special attention should be given before the gestist.
Chest and stomach parts are gastric, gastrointestinal, stroke, lethal, stomach, stomach, stomach, etc.
Gastric is always associated with gastrointestinal, catering, mentality and body's nature. Therefore, special attention should be given before being a gestist.
Due to gaststick, gastrointestinal depression addiction, spice, kidney disease, unhealthy catering, shortage of exercise, short diet, excessive shouting food, jacuzzi and catalysts.
Gastitis also causes the immune system.
The rig also appears in the case of stomach surgery, liquor, migella, faye and kidney disease, HIV AIDS and special mental path.
Remedy to avoid gastric:
Gastitis is a rigid way of life, fear, anxiety, depression, depression and insomnia. Therefore, stress can be avoided by geststicks.
Food, citrus, vitamins and wholesalers, eat calcium, antioxidants, chicken, fish, green cabbage, gooseberry and egg time.
Probial butter milk in the right also will help to determine the gastrointestinal.
Be gastric enough to drink water.
Do not eat the same drug that is found as a gastrochester, should eat according to the treatment of the medicine.
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